Speelbos Vierkante Stuk 13

Children's nature experience at 't Vierkante Stuk gets boost

Many a Texel resident and tourist knows where to find playground 't Vierkante Stuk in De Dennen. On sunny days, you can see children romping about, playing in the little train and jumping ditches. It is a popular play and picnic spot. New are the nature assignments of ten Texel animals, hidden in and around the woods near the playground. They challenge children to discover nature on the spot with all their senses. On a map, they can see where the animals are hidden. And with a magnifying glass they can take an even closer look at the animals.

Questions and tasks

How many times a second does a woodpecker tap on a tree? How does it feel to hide under a thick layer of leaves, just like a hedgehog? What secrets are hidden in the soil? With these and other questions and tasks scattered through the play forest, children can get to work. This way, they learn more about Texel's nature while playing. The young adventurers from Texel's nature club, the Skarrelaars, tried out all the assignments. And; it worked! They made their own nature museum and went in search of all the colours in nature.

The animals of 't Vierkante Stuk

't Vierkante Stuk is an open grassy area with play equipment, surrounded by forest. The playground is now mostly visited by parents with young children. The desire of Staatsbosbeheer is to also involve older children in this beautiful place through nature experiences. Thanks to National Park Dunes of Texel and IVN Natuureducatie, there are now educational hands-on tasks that introduce children to nature in surprising ways. Jan Joop Moerbeek made the wooden assignments and also does the maintenance.

Festive opening

IVN challenges all children to come and try out the assignments! Everyone is welcome to come and experience nature at 't Vierkante Stuk for themselves. What do you see when you look up very close along a tree trunk, just like a moth?

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