Kijken bij de zeehonden bij Ecomare VVV Texel fotograaf Liselotte Schoo

The seals are a definite must when you come to Texel. You can see them from very close by at the Ecomare seal sanctuary. And Ecomare has a lot more to offer, so much that you can spend a fun and interesting day out with the whole family.

Seal sanctuary

Not all seals that are found on the beach need help. In the case of howlers, the mother is often nearby and adult animals are sometimes just relaxing. Ecomare takes care of seals that would not make it on their own: young animals that have lost their mother and are not yet able to take care of themselves and animals that are weakened by disease. When they have recovered, they are released on the Texel beach or on a sandbank in the Wadden Sea.

There are also permanent residents in Ecomare, for example old seals that are blind and therefore cannot be released.

Sea aquarium

Dive under water in the Sea Aquarium. Different habitats have been recreated in large, open marine aquariums. The Wadden Sea aquarium is home to young fish, crabs and starfish, while the large North Sea aquarium is where the large ones swim. You will see different types of sharks and rays, sea anemones, shellfish and lobsters; how much lives in our sea!

Nature Museum

In the museum of Ecomare you will find fascinating exhibitions about the mudflats, the sea and the animals that live there. Discover the magic of the mudflats in the new exhibition Wonderlijk Wad, follow the scientists in their research in Waddenstad and be amazed at the enormous size of a sperm whale and humpback whale in the Walviszaal.


The Ecomare shop can be found near the cash desk in the hall. Here you will find great souvenirs and gifts as well as various books, field guides and maps. Please go to the shop if you have any nature-related questions.

More about seals and the mudflats

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