Round Texel

Race around Texel

The Round Texel Race has become the world's largest catamaran sailing race. Every year, over 300 catamarans compete on the water with the aim of sailing around the island of Texel as fast as possible! Both amateur sailors and the international sailing elite participate in this race. In recent years, the race has grown into a major public event with thousands of visitors.

Ready for the start

It is special to see how the boats are prepared and then take to the water. The start and finish take place at Paal 17, on the west side of the island. The starting line is just off the coast and is marked by two large starting ships and a helicopter with smoke signals.

The exact start time depends on the current and wind and will be announced the morning of the race during the Skippers briefing.

From Paal 17, the catamarans depart towards the lighthouse. This is a critical point of the race: if they arrive at the lighthouse too late, they will have the current against them and unfortunately have to abandon the race. Otherwise, they sail on towards Oudeschild.

They then cross the Marsdiep where the confrontation with the TESO boat is also always an exciting part. From the Marsdiep, they sail on to the finish line at Paal 17.

Race around Texel 2025

The start of the 2025 race is on Saturday 14 June.

Best places to watch

As a spectator, where do you have the best view of the race? The mass start at Paal 17 is very spectacular to see, with the catamarans leaving at the same time. The beach near the lighthouse, the wadden dyke and the dyke at Oudeschild are also recommended. After about three hours, the first sailors are expected at the finish line at Paal 17. The entire race can also be followed live via Radio Texel.

Join in

Would you like to sail the Round Texel Race? On Texel, you can take sailing lessons at De Eilander sailing school. Practice a lot and who knows, maybe you will be the winner of the next Round Texel Race! You can register for the competition via this website.

WAVES Festival

WAVES is top sport on the water with the Ronde om Texel and live music and other water sports and summervibes on the beach. During the day, visitors can watch various water sports competitions of the Ronde om Texel from the beach while enjoying music and delicious food and drinks. What's more, it's a three-night party!

More fun on the Texel beach

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