Vissersmonument VVV02650

Fishermen's monument on Texel

A memento of the time when cutters sailed into Oudeschild harbour in large numbers every week. On 12 August 2023, the fishermen's monument was unveiled during the HavenVIStijn.

Special bench on the Wadden dike

The monument is a bench mounted in the stern of the TX29 Helena Elizabeth. A Texel cutter belonging to the Drijver family. Made at the initiative of fisherman Fred Wiering. After the unveiling, the bench was 'christened' and handed over to Oudeschild's village committee, which will take further care of it. It was an emotional moment for many fishermen, as the monument is a reminder of the many cutters that have been scrapped in recent times.

Want to see the new monument for yourself? You will find it on the dike near the harbour office at the entrance to Oudeschild harbour.

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