De zee met lange sluitertijd VVV Texel fotograaf Iris Borst

4 x mindfulness, relaxation and health on Texel

Do you want to recover from all the hustle and bustle? Or do you want to get out of your comfort zone and try something new? Then these tips are for you.

1. Ice bath training

According to the Wim Hof method, challenge yourself by first doing breathing exercises and then stepping into an ice bath. You can do this with Dries de Winter. He will coach you through it. A special experience where you challenge yourself and which is good for body and mind!

2. Woolness on Texel

By taking a wool bath you can optimally relax. At Woolness on Texel you step into a bath full of sheep's wool. Close your eyes and relax. The wool bath helps against joint pain or atritis and rheumatism. A real Texel experience.

3. Yoga on the beach of Texel

Relax on the Texel beach while doing yoga exercises. In the functional Vinyasa class, the focus is on what posture can do for you rather than what the posture looks like. The class is open to everyone, whether you are a beginner or a little more experienced. Yoga classes are held every Thursday and Sunday morning.

4. Therapeutic boxing

Being active with body and mind. Dries de Winter also offers a therapeutic boxing workshop. The workshop is a combination of a coach talk and boxing. Put yourself back on edge and clear your head by boxing!

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