Kluut met jong VVV Texel fotograaf Nicole van As

June: young birds galore on Texel

In June, lots of young birds are born on the island. You can also spot a number of special passage migrants and some birds even begin their autumn migration again.

Birdwatching in June

Usually, sandwich tern colonies breed both in Wagejot and Utopia. This year, it seems that pretty much all sandwich terns are breeding in Wagejot. The first official count indicates that there are almost 6,500 breeding pairs in this nature reserve. The baby boom will continue until mid-June. Most sandwich terns produce two young a year. This means that in June you can watch and listen to more than 20,000 birds!

Another colony bird that produces lots of young in June is the spoonbill. The biggest colony can be found in De Geul in National Park Dunes of Texel, with more than 400 pairs breeding here. How about spending some time with the bird protection volunteers of Staatsbosbeheer? From April to August, they are at the bird hide in De Geul and are happy to let you have a look through their binoculars or telescope. Or you could join the forester on an excursion in De Geul.

Passage migrants

Despite the fact that in June spring migration is over again, we can still expect a few special passage migrants. In dry and hot weather, southern species take little trips up north. This means you can occasionally see European bee-eaters and black-winged stilts on Texel. The griffon vulture, one of Europe’s biggest flying birds, also wanders up north now and again.

Autumn migration, already?

Many people don’t realise that some birds already start their autumn migration in June. That is when female spotted redshanks (sandpiper family) set off on their return journey. They mated and laid eggs in the far north and leave the brooding to the males, who return later to the winter home.

Late June is a great time to enjoy the first waders on their way back to the south. The best place to spot them is the ‘Bird Boulevard’, a birdwatching hot spot on the east side of Texel or De Slufter, particularly Diepe Gat at the end of Oorsprongweg.

More summer on Texel

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