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These birds can be found on Texel in December

In December, birds often stay in the place they sought out during migration. On Texel that means: large numbers of a wide variety of birds to see.

Winter visitors

Polder Waalenburg is teeming with birds in December. In the winter, its flooded meadows are popular with many bird species. Thousands of European golden plovers, hundreds of ruffs and lots of wigeons, lapwings and curlews like to stay in this area.

Shore larks in De Slufter

The flock of shore larks in De Slufter grows bigger every year. They search for food on the ground, preferably on the tideline. With its fine yellow and black face markings, this is a stunning bird, which you can observe very well in this area.

Types of brent geese

Did you know that there are no fewer than four different types of brent geese on Texel? Thousands of the common dark-bellied brent geese can be seen on the island every winter, while a few pale-bellied brent geese and black brent geese can also be spotted every year. Lately, the red-breasted goose has increasingly been sighted among a couple of dark-bellied brent geese.

Binoculars hire

You can spot quite a few birds on Texel with the naked eye, but with a pair of binoculars, you will see many more. You can rent optics at Texel’s bird information centre in De Cocksdorp.

More winter on Texel

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