Trekpontje in Eierland op Texel

Towing ferries on Texel

Did you know that there are no less than three tow ferries on Texel? In the North, South and Middle. So who knows, maybe there is one nearby!


In the north of Texel, there is a draw ferry on the Hollandseweg. You can go there yourself and try it out, but even more fun is to walk one of the hiking routes with the walk from De Cocksdorp to De Waal on the North-Holland path, as you will also pass it. During the walking route, you pass Labora and walk towards the Eierlands Kanaal where you use the tow ferry to cross.


Between polder Eijerland and polder het Noorden is a tow ferry to cross the Eierlands Kanaal. One of the routes you can walk is the walking route Slufter tot Kaap. With this route, you walk from De Slufter to the IJzeren Kaap. During the walk, you will pass the Hoogezandskil nature reserve. When you pass that and walk across the farmland, you will come across the tow ferry at some point.


In the south of Texel, there is a towing ferry at Hoornderweg. The walk you can walk is Skéép and Lantskappad. The route starts in the east of Den Hoorn. During the walk, you can use the tow ferry to go to Kaasboerderij Wezenspyk.

Now that you know Texel has these hidden gems, it's time to go on an adventure! Which tow ferry will you visit first?

Tow ferries on the map

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